Niton, located on the southern coast of the Isle of Wight, is a quaint village known for its stunning views and historic significance. The area has been inhabited since prehistoric times and played a significant role in both World War I and II. Visitors can explore the Niton Undercliff, a beautiful stretch of coastline with unique flora and fauna.
There are several events held throughout the year that attract visitors to Niton. One such event is the annual Summer Fete, which features local food vendors, live music, and games for all ages. Another popular event is the Niton Christmas Market where visitors can shop for handmade gifts while enjoying festive treats.
Niton's main attraction is St. Catherine's Lighthouse, which stands at 35 meters tall and offers incredible panoramic views of the surrounding coastline. Visitors can take guided tours of the lighthouse or simply admire it from afar while taking a stroll along nearby trails. Overall, Niton is a charming destination that offers history, natural beauty and fun events for tourists to enjoy.